22 Things I Learned In 2014

Happy Old Year’s Day!!!  (New Year’s Eve for the foreign folks)

As I approached my 22nd birthday I began drafting a list of 22 things I learned over the past year.  Besides the fact that this list reminded me of how old I’m getting (as it took me so long to get to the end) it also served as a form of self-evaluation. So cheers to growth! And here’s to self-improvement in 2015!


  1. I can be EVERYTHING I want to be – We’ve all been asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And more than likely you’re expected to pick one thing. Whether it be a doctor or lawyer or fireman—whatever it is—we’re conditioned to believe we can only pursue one passion at a time or one passion only. Well, I say bullshit. Not only do you have choices, but you shouldn’t force yourself into a box just so people will have an easier time defining you. Don’t limit yourself. You can be everything you want to be.
  2. Don’t share your dreams with everyone – I don’t remember where I saw this quote…but basically, not everyone can handle your dreams. Not everyone can even handle that you have dreams and are pursuing them. There are people out there that will try to talk you into believing that your dreams are an illusion and you can’t achieve all you set out to do. They will try to feed you all sorts of hogwash. Don’t swallow it.
  3. When you’re at a corner don’t look for traffic and positioning, look for feedback as well – In this scenario ‘feedback’ basically refers to resetting the steering wheel; the movement or actions taken to get you where you want to end up. So in my practical application to life I can say, that for whatever goals I want to attain I need to be on the lookout for positioning (where it is that I want to go), traffic (anything that might hinder me getting to that position), and feedback (the actions that I need to take to get me where I need to be). (Lessons from my driving instructor)
  4. People will not always come through for you – Don’t depend on other people to see your own goals through; everyone is pursuing their own dream.
  5. Your purpose will stalk you until you turn around and do the pursuing – If you have something on your mind constantly…for weeks…months…and then years…stop ignoring it. Stop putting it off. It’s not a passing phase. “If God called you, he won’t change his mind.”
  6. Having a talent is a gift and refusal to use that talent is ingratitude – But not just using it–using it for purpose.
  7. You get credit for the things you do, not what you say you’ll do – Stop talking about what you want to get done and just get it done. Starting is the hardest part but the fruits of your labour will be worth it.
  8. “Instinct will always find opportunity”– Be true to yourself and everything else will fall into place. The universe reveres truth.
  9. People can only buy what you sell to them, therefore people will see me however I market myself – If you want to be known as an artist—share your art. If you want to be seen as an activist—speak out. If you want people to think you’re a douche, constantly bash minority groups online.
  10. If it doesn’t fit into your plan, if it won’t contribute to your growth in the grand scheme of things, don’t do it.—This may sound selfish but hear me out—I’m not saying that you shouldn’t spend your time helping people, especially your friends. Horizontal loyalty is important, but so is loyalty to yourself. If you find that most of your time is taken up doing things for other people that don’t contribute to your personal growth or take you closer to the goals you’ve set for yourself, it’s time to take a step back.
  11. Find your niche – According to a follower on my timeline: find your thing, and do you. You’ll be a lot happier.
  12. Learn to say no to the right people – I’ve been asked more times than I’d care to admit if I know any other words besides the word ‘no’. Some people might call me out if they heard me say I have a hard time saying no to people. The thing is, I can easily say no to my friends. When the time comes for me to say no to other people however, my resistance wanes. But this year, after accepting numerous tasks that I knew I’d be under pressure to complete, or somehow felt obligated to do even though I didn’t care for it, I finally said no. If you won’t be able to give your best at something, don’t say yes out of obligation. You’ll be doing both yourself and the other person an injustice.
  13. If you have a big plan, break it down- My friends and I are always coming up with these elaborate schemes. They’re good plans, but visions should be realistic and attainable. I’ve learned that while it’s okay to have big dreams, it’s also okay to start small and build from there.
  14. Successful people are always taking note of their accomplishments, no matter how small – I’ve learned this from watching some of my favourite people work. This is a key attribute of people who get things done.
  15. Experience is the strongest mental block there is – Look kid, sometimes bad things happen and there’s nothing you can do about it >_>…but when they do, they can cause you to build up defenses that you don’t even realize are there. They’re tough; and to people on the outside, they appear impenetrable. Heartbreak sucks, but ignoring pain doesn’t make it go away–it just prevents you from finding healthy solutions and pursuing healthy relationships.
  16. Don’t let your personal feelings spill over into your work relationships – Just…don’t.
  17. Not every good man is meant to be your husband – Nor is every good woman meant to be your wife. (Lessons from Whatsapp chats)
  18. Physics 101- Energy is neither created nor destroyed it just changes form – This law does not exclude emotions. Unfortunately. The thing is, an emotion that should be positive (like love), when suppressed may just come out as anger and then people will just think you’re a bitch. So try to avoid going through the denial phase. Embrace what you feel, don’t keep things pent up.
  19. Don’t think too much – I think about things. A LOT. Like really, a lot. I’m really careful in everything I do and I didn’t notice until twice this year on two separate occasions, strangers pointed out to me that when they ask me questions I never answer right away but carefully sift through my thoughts before replying. While they seemed to be impressed by this, I was taken aback. I don’t know why I’m so guarded. It might be the mystery of it all—the fact that we’re each like a vessel made up of all these memories and experiences that only we have complete access to and we have the power to let people see only what we want and no more. It’s like I carefully select who I think is “worthy enough” for me to share my secrets with. That and I like to be honest. So maybe I need to stop deciding who I think can handle my honesty and let them decide for themselves.
  20. Face your fears – All the things we fear are in our heads. I’ve been speaking in front of people for yearsss, yet I have an intense fear of crowds and public speaking. What I have learnt though is– when people say that the only way to overcome your fears is to face them, they mean it literally. If I stand in front of a crowd and don’t make eye contact, I’m more likely to be more nervous than if I do. Looking at the audience makes you realize that they’re not as intimidating as you made them out to be in your head.
  21. Don’t post your best poems online – Well…not that you should NEVER—I mean, you will want people to see your best work. But if you’re interested in having your poetry published in journals or entered into competitions it’s best to save those pieces until after they’re published to share them. Otherwise…you may regret it later.
  22. Your art should shock people into thinking about their reality – Artists are here to start a revolution. What then would be the point of art if not to produce impact? Some of the most impacting experiences I’ve had this year were from artists who challenged the status quo and stepped outside the box with their methods. Making people think is the first step to creating change.

Awards, Awards, Awards – Outstanding Bloggers List

Skywalker Storyteller Works

Over the past several months I received several awards and recognition which I have not yet acknowledged. I just saved the posts and kept planning to follow the rules – but time kept flying past my good intentions.

When WM included me in his Best Bloggers List, I resolved to do as he did. I would  acknowledge all of my awards at one time and provide a list of the bloggers I feel deserve recognition. Well – time kept flying fast . . . So, here I am finally. The award logos I have received are on my sidebars.  Storiesbywilliamsgraypoet,  dearkitty and 85degrees were the kind bloggers who nominated me for awards. Yes, a couple of them graced me with more than one award.

To the above bloggers, I say thank you, many thanks. I am grateful that my words, poetry, stories, and observations have been…

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Poem 3

My nephew wants to explore the realm of a stranger

But is smart enough not to lurk alone

So he pulls me along with him, 

Urging me on in a language that has been foreign to me for ages.

In there he meets a kinsman,

Acquires a spinning piece and

watches in amazement at its mechanics.

He gives the spinning top to his acquaintance momentarily,

then takes it back mere seconds after

This is his way of building friendships.


I see my uncle walk out,

his body reminded me of the kite frames

that would hang on the walls of the house every easter.

Both fragile alike.

Both given structure by the strings that laced them.

When my sister asks how he is he replies,

‘Not too good.’

Slowly he eases himself into the chair beside the hammock

Says he hears I’m doing good for myself

‘In what way?’, I ask

‘School‘, he says,

And I express my extreme dislike for institutional learning.

Before we leave I hug him.

He says the next time I see him,

He’ll be walking upright.


My mind runs on the memory of a childhood crush.

Skin the deepest shade of black,

slanted eyes,

pink lips.

The reason I refused to leave my uncle’s house many a day.

It was that time when a boy’s attention

Seemed more a thing to fear than one to rejoice in.

I wonder briefly if I’ll see him before I leave

My cousin tells me he’s in town now,

Him and some other boys from the village

Says they work in a bakery.

I ponder on how that happened.

Maybe we’ll cross paths,

I’m curious to see how time filled him in.


A family friend died about a week ago.

Heard he planned out his entire funeral.

It always amazes me, 

the mysticism of death.

How everyone becomes a seer once that burden of life is removed

A dying man cares less about when he’s going

And more about where he’s going to.

Stories of negligence and greed make me want to become a doctor,

These same stories make me want to practice law.

I realise with disdain that I can’t save everyone.

And besides,

I hate hospitals.

And rigid structure.

I decide to stick to writing…

The long term results seem much more promising.



Poem 1

She walks in beauty, like the night

Back perpendicular to the sky

Dips her finger in promise and smooths it across her lips

Licks the excess away with her tongue

She breathes and I feel the melody dip within me

Dive off the edge of a precipice;

Explode in mid-air

i feel the rattle of constituents in my center

Like an egg left boiling for too long

The pressure leaves my insides weak

My spirit wanting

Beauty reaches out and touches my cheek

And I break

30 Poems, 30 Days: NaPoWriMo Has Begun

WordPress.com News

Calling all poets! April is National Poetry Writing Month — NaPoWriMo for short. Modeled after National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), NaPoWriMo is an annual project encouraging poets to write one poem each day in April.


We love discovering poetry in the Reader and are proud of the poets who call WordPress.com their online home, like Pushcart-nominated poet Kellie Elmore. If you’re an established or aspiring poet, or want to dabble in free verse, lyric essays, and more experimental prose, we encourage you to participate this month.

A poem a day

First time participating in a post-a-day project like this? We asked poet and publisher Maureen Thorson, the founder of this project, for advice:

Be open to the possibilities. The point isn’t to turn out a fully formed sonnet each day — although if anyone wants to try, I’m not going to discourage them! The point is to just…

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I wouldn’t say I ‘wrote’ but rather constructed a Cento in honour of World Poetry Day on March 21st. A Cento is a poem that uses lines from poems written by other poets (usually famous). However, I took the liberty to construct mine using lines from poems written by my brilliant comrades. Well except for the last line, that’s from Sonnet XXV. Enjoy :)


A mystery expressed in secret

Like my heart had been speaking to the universe, and its words had somehow conjured up this particular man for me

I see you as the epitome of beauty–so wrong for me–flawed so perfectly

You exude male that slithers down the sleeves of your black shirt

I spoke, but my tongue waved the passion of my words back

A fire consumes yet preserves tactile limbs

And ‘you’ seep in

Wild convulsions within a pillar

Of hearts that reached their capacity but had the audacity to keep it wanting

What is this I feel that is beyond me?

You are life expelled in me like a cosmic explosion…over and over

Feel this tsunami of emotions that has been locked in my bowels for so long

I wish to be a part of your mystic realm

You’ve left me physically alive

Mercy kissed and left my lips as claws raked my back

Vibrating and quivering against the heart

Have you ever been frustrated cuz you can’t figure out why someone chose to love you?

I’m appalled.

Like, a featherless bird that fell from the nest to the floor

Like a dancing dream

Your faith in me strengthens my loose bones of a broken self

Will my love ever match yours?

In all honesty I don’t know

But before I loved you, love, nothing was my own

I hid my energy here

It is buried in the lines…can you see it?

Push past pen, past paragraph

My spirit is rooted here…can you feel it?

I drew my ink from the ducts of lovers who lost lovers– there is no sorrow like this.

I am naked beneath these words and yet I am clothed without it.

Have you ever been to a funeral and the weight of the dead lays hovering just above you?

Tension, a steel rod?

Cold settles on your skin and attracts hairs like magnet

Your gut, pools at your feet

When fear radiates off your surface, the black of the garb is not enough to keep you from being haunted

You will regret never fully learning to trick ghosts out of their existence.

My heart is hidden here, 

Have you seen it?

I wrapped it in widow’s weeds, I did not bury it within verse

I hid it at the surface where you would not search

It is my iyi-uwa

My reason for coming back

Your source of confused longing

Every time you comb my words,

You will feel me


I dug up these devices and lay myself down here

Not so I could make a burial ground out of you

But because it I’d hidden anywhere else,

I would not have survived

Where the Wild Things Are

There is no once upon a time in the wild. There is no happily ever after to stumble upon. We don’t rummage for fairytales in these parts, we don’t…bow.  My name is Ayana, and my story begins in the liver of Jamestown. The liver: the largest organ in the human body. The liver: where they filter all the shit no-body wants. Point out where all the garbage passes through, and I live in the center of that mess. There are no TGIFs in these parts. The struggle is ongoing. Every block is a crime scene.

At 7:45pm I stepped into my apartment and headed to the couch – if you could call it that. It had long since outlived its purpose and would have probably functioned better as a breeding ground for fungus. Okay I exaggerate. Though it was pretty old…but I digress. So I headed to the couch and took my shoes off, enjoying the feel of the air on my feet, eager to get to bed after an entire day of ‘yes massa, no massa’. I proceeded to thank God for my patience and perseverance since I couldn’t thank him for the fact that it was Friday. So there I am thanking him when the lock on my door clicks. I sat upright. Nobody had a key to my place except me, and well the landlord. Instinct made me reach for the pocketknife I kept on the small table next to where I was sitting. As I sat in the dark the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and heightened all my senses. Panic set in.

But nothing was happening. Should I move? Surprise my intruder at the door perhaps? Nah, I wasn’t that brave. I was still contemplating my next move when I heard a tap at the door. It was a tiny tap. So insignificant really, that had my senses not been turned all the way up I probably wouldn’t have heard it. What a day in the history of mankind when the perpetrator knocks before entering. By now my anxiety had died down a bit; I decided to wait a little longer.

Nothing happened.

Is this what being robbed felt like? I must say, I was a little disappointed. Cautiously, I got up and proceeded to the door, taking care not to trip over anything on the way. I placed my ear on its surface and listened for something; any hint of life on the other side. When no answer came back, I unlocked the door warily.

And my breath caught.

The predator had left his kill on my doorstep.

There is only one way out of the wild.